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I can you say that last week has given me confidence in what REAL service is from people who are there to help!
The saga begins on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday... water in my basement. the next morning at 9 a.m., I call Paul Theriault from PSC Cleaning Inc. & Paul's Steam Cleaning, 5 mins (5 MINUTES!) later he is at our house to see it. "I can be here at 1:30 this afternoon so we can fix it for you, don't worry." ... first sigh of relief.

Origin of the water problem? A combination of excess melting snow and rain, but above all broken and frost-damaged gutters. Me who realizes that we will have 15mm of rain in the next few days.

  • My little town... I love it... and EVERYONE in it. Thank you Paul… from a very satisfied and reassured client. I must admit that it was the very reassuring and compassionate way in which I was approached that made me shed my tears of gratitude... THANK YOU!!!

Sylvie Martin
Nov 14, 2022

The best and most professional work you can ask for!!

Lawrence Heffron Jr.
Nov 14, 2022

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